Sahar Ahmed

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you came to BioSci:
My name is Sahar Ahmed and I am a second year Dunlop School major! I am from Orange County. On campus, I am involved in Dunlop School student council and served as ASUC Irvine First Year Senator. I was originally undeclared, but enjoyed taking Bio 93 andliked the environment, surrounded by helpful peers and encouraging professors. Idecided to take more STEM courses, which led me to transfer to BioSci.
2. What attracted you to the Life Sciences?
I always enjoyed science classes in high school, especially AP Biology. I am extremely fascinated by how science is so prevalent in our own lives and that I can apply topics I’ve learned in class to the real world.
3. Tell us about some of your educational and professional goals.
My educational goal is to graduate with a degree in Biological Sciences at UCI. I would like to pursue a career in healthcare and hope to attend medical school in the future to become a dermatologist.
4. What accomplishments are you most proud of?
I am proud of my accomplishment of earning a position in Dunlop School Student Council, as I always wanted to be actively involved in student life and help improve the Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences.
5. What or who is your source of inspiration?
I look up to my mom because she inspires me to work hard and never give up on my goals. She always encouraged me to pursue whatever I am passionate about and has motivated me to do my best in my academics/personal life.
6. What’s a cool life sciences fact you’ve learned during your time here?
There is enough DNA in the average person’s body to stretch from the sun to Pluto and back — 17 times.
7. What are some of your favorite hobbies/activities outside of school?
Some of my hobbies are swimming, playing with my cat Beans, and going on hikes to find new lookout points. I also enjoy watching Netflix and finding new music.
8. What is your favorite comfort food?
9. A show that you’re obsessed with right now?
Grey’s Anatomy
10. Tell us a fun fact you would like to share.
I swam with dolphins!