Newton Hood

What inspired you to pursue a career in the biological sciences?
Since I was a kid, I have always been interested in learning about the animals that we share this planet with! My passion started with dinosaurs then it evolved into wondering why dogs and wolves look alike and how house cats and lions are related. That curiosity has opened my mind to the wonderful world of interactions both between animals (both large and microscopic) and between animals and their environments. The result of these interactions creates a lot of cool body structures and behaviors that I can not wait to learn about!
Why did you choose BioSci?
I am studying the impact of a high lipid diet on the digestive and reproductive physiology of red (Haliotis rufescens) and white (Haliotis sorenseni) abalone by measure the production of the reproductive hormone,Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone, as well as measure the production of certain digestive enzymes and gut microbiota. Abalone are a cultural and ecological important marine invertebrate that have been suffering from a global population decline over the past several decades.
Tell us about your research.
I am studying the impact of a high lipid diet on the digestive and reproductive physiology of red (Haliotis rufescens) and white (Haliotis sorenseni) abalone by measure the production of the reproductive hormone,Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone, as well as measure the production of certain digestive enzymes and gut microbiota. Abalone are a cultural and ecological important marine invertebrate that have been suffering from a global population decline over the past several decades.
What accomplishments are you most proud of?
Currently, it is obtaining my master’s in Biology from Cal State Fullerton, I literally bled for that degree hahaha. I hope to add “obtaining a Ph.D.” to the list relatively soon!
Can you speak to the importance of diversity and representation in the biological sciences?
Diversity is important because the complex problems facing our world will require a diverse group of individuals to be able to come together and work towards a solution. Increasing diversity in biological sciences will also increase the diversity of thought patterns and methodologies. Being a Black man in biology allows me to show everyone that science is for everyone.
What advice would you give to young black students interested in pursuing a career in the sciences?
Persistence and networking are important skills to have if you plan to pursue a career in the sciences. Nobody is born knowing how to do science so don’t beat yourself up if you don’t do as well as you would like on a test or in a class, as long as you keep working at it you will get to where you want to be! I was on academic probation after the first year of undergrad but with some hard work, I not only got my master’s now I am working towards my PhD.
Networking is valuable because the world of science is a lot smaller than you would think. The professors and TAs you see daily might know someone at whatever grad program/company/gov’t agency you are interested in!
Can you speak to any initiatives or programs that have been helpful to you as a scientist?
Ridge2Reef has helped fund my graduate education here at UCI, which allowed me to get involved with the Aquarium of the Pacific through their African American Scholars Program along with the White Abalone Team at the UC Davis Bodega Marine Laboratory. I have grown a lot as both a scientist and as a person working with each of these groups and I look forward to our continued collaboration.
Can you tell us about a role model or mentor who has been influential in your career as a scientist?
My master’s thesis advisor, Dr. Doug Eernisse has been extremely impactful on my career as a biologist. I did not have any experience with marine biology before I joined his lab, but he was so patient with me while teaching me about the world of marine invertebrates. He also took me in as a part of his family and I spent many holidays with his family!
What is your favorite hobby or activity outside of work?
I love to read manga, play video games, and go on walks.