Cultivating Inclusion Workshops
Cultivating Inclusion in Academic Research and Training Environments is a training and discussion workshop offered by Dunlop School Associate Dean of DEI Michael Yassa that ranges from one hour to full-day engagements covering topics such as systemic biases in science, implicit bias, stereotypes, psychological safety, and cultural humility. Topics can be customized to the needs of different groups. Over 50 workshops have been delivered between 2020 and 2024 to various groups and departments on campus. The School also occasionally contracts inclusion training to Pure Praxis which specializes in live theater training focuses on how to handle stereotypes and bias in our community, particularly in the context of significant power differentials. To inquire about the next training or to request a workshop for your group, please contact Associate Dean Yassa directly at michael.yassa@uci.edu.

Culturally Aware Mentor Training
Culturally aware mentoring (CAM) guides faculty mentors to understand the sources and impact of bias graduate trainees from diverse backgrounds to improve the training environment for students from underrepresented (UR) groups. The program was developed by Dr. Angela Byars-Winston at the Center for the Improvement of Mentoring Research Experiences (CIMER), which is part of the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN, NRMNet.net) funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The novel intervention aims to increase mentors’ skills for interacting with mentees from different racial, ethnic and social backgrounds than the mentor. Bio Sci ODEI hosted the first CAM Training on in 2021 and thus far has trained more than 70 faculty members. This training is highly recommended for all graduate mentors, especially those who mentor students on T32 programs and individual fellowships.

Anti-racism Training
The Institute for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, is entering its 14th year as an enduring venue for institutional transformation. The Institute brings together staff and faculty leaders from UCI, the University of California, and universities and colleges from the greater southern California region. The theme of this year’s Institute is “Black Thriving at UC Irvine – Accountability Begins with Understanding.” This theme refers to our common responsibility for building solidarity, thriving and community while dismantling anti-Black racism and all “isms” to achieve inclusive excellence priorities at UCI. Our forum provides a valuable opportunity to refine goals, strategies, and metrics in ways that will improve coordination, communication and collaboration for student, staff, and faculty success. The last Institute concluded on September 24, 2020. Please stay tuned for future dates. Materials from the last institute are freely available here, including recordings of the presentations and slides.
In addition to the Institute, OIE provides the Inclusive Excellence Certificate Program, which has recently added Modules for Confronting Anti-Blackness.
Additional UC Diversity Resources are available including resources for Anti-Black racism, Anti-Asian racism, as well as more general anti-racism resources.

Implicit Bias Training
Workshops and online classes are available for all employees through UCLC. The UC Managing Implicit Bias Series is a systemwide program that was created to increase awareness of implicit bias and reduce its impact at the University. These six self-paced, interactive online courses complement our existing equity and inclusion programs and can be completed individually, together as a series to earn the UC Managing Implicit Bias Certificate, or as a part of the People Management Series and Certificate. As members of the UC community, being aware of implicit bias and how it impacts the way we work and interact with others is especially important. All employees are eligible and encouraged to complete the full series of courses. All managers, search and hiring committees, and graduate admissions committees, are very strongly encouraged to complete this series. Additional training resources on bias are available through Facebook and LinkedIn.

LGBTQIA+ Safe Zone Training
Safe Zone is a symbol of the University of California, Irvine ’s commitment to diversity and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community on campus. Open to any campus affiliate, the program trains individuals to identify as Allies that are informed, supportive, and affirming of the LGBTQA community at UC Irvine. Safe Zone creates a more welcoming campus climate for LGBTQ and Ally faculty, staff, and students. Sponsored by the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center, the program fosters a community network that embraces sexual and gender diversity. The workshop is offered by the LGBTQRC.

ZotAbility Ally Training
Become an Ally! UC Irvine Disability Services Center invites you to attend a remote, 90 min. workshop to become a ZotAbility Ally. This workshop is designed to challenge personal biases, provide awareness, promote diversity, and includes a panel to hear first-hand experiences from UC Irvine students. Check back soon for upcoming dates or contact DSC to let them know you are interested!
Faculty members are strongly encouraged to review the Faculty Handbook on Providing Access for Students with Disabilities, provided by the UC Irvine Disability Services Center.

Sexual Violence and Harassment Prevention Training
Due to the current campus restrictions related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), all in-person trainings have been canceled. Notifications regarding future in-person trainings will be shared once the campus returns to regular business operations. Virtual Life Theatre workshops on Sexual Harassment Prevention will be announced through zotmail. Online training options are available through the UC Irvine Learning Center. This training provides information on preventing and responding to sexual violence and sexual harassment and what each of us can to do to make our UC culture safer for all. It will take 2 hours to complete and meets the legal requirements of AB1825 and AB2053. This training is for supervisory employees and faculty at all UC locations, offered through UCLC.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training
Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
Diversity is a fact. It is also paradoxical. We need to be capable of seeing and hearing differences in order to reap the benefits of diversity. But seeing and hearing differences hone our discriminating reflexes and can also lead to discrimination. You will: 1. understand this paradox, 2. understand its dynamics, and 3. identify ways to manage it, so that you can better channel the diversity potential in the workplace for greater performance and innovation. The course is offered by ESSEC Business School and is one of the most highly rated courses on diversity and inclusion.
Diversity and Inclusion for HR Professionals
This course is offered for free by UC Irvine Continuing Education on Coursera. It reviews the changing landscape of the workplace and discusses the current change drivers that make Diversity and Inclusion an important focus for your organization. It explores strategies for creating an inclusive climate and a sense of belonging, and how bias and microaggressions can be mitigated. Finally, it explores the business case for Diversity and Inclusion strategies, and you’ll have the opportunity to develop a DEI plan tailored to your department or program.
Additional training modules through EVERFI will be available soon. Check this page again for updates.